St Mary’s is a large church with a congregation coming from a broad range of backgrounds and traditions. To cater for this, we have a wide range of worship services to take in the breadth of worship practice found within the Church of England.
Are you thinking about a Christening service at St Mary’s? All are welcome & we would love to share in your day.
Are you thinking about tying the knot with the person of your dreams? St Mary’s is an amazing, spiritual and special place in which to start your married life together.
In the saddest of times we will offer you and your loved ones care and compassion. We will ensure your needs are listened to in the most sensitive manner. More information here.
Weekly Services
Sunday 8.00a.m. Said Holy Communion (2nd & 4th Sundays of the month)
This is a quiet service of Holy Communion without music or hymns using ‘common worship, order 2 in traditional language’. You can expect, quiet liturgy, bible readings, a sermon and prayers said for the needs of the world. Led by one of our clergy team. Around 50 mins.
Usual attendance; around 15.
Sunday 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
This is our biggest service. Holy Communion (except the 2nd Sunday of the month which is lay led) with choir, organ and sometimes a small band in support. Taken from ‘Common Worship’, modern language with seasonal variations. You can expect a blended style of worship with about five hymns comprising a mix of traditional and modern, modern liturgy, bible readings, a sermon, prayers said for the needs of the world and a very warm welcome with drinks and biscuits after.
Led by our clergy team, assisted by our team of servers, organist, choir, band and other contributors.
Around 1hour. Usual attendance around 100.
Sunday 11:15 a.m. Encounter
A new weekly contemporary service comprised of modern worship music & themes/teaching based around real life issues for working people and families.
Join us for coffee from 10:45.
Around 60 minutes.
Tuesday Holy Communion (MU Corporate); 10.30am. 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month
A quiet ‘Said Holy Communion’ service from common worship. Especially for those who struggle either with the large congregation or early start on a Sunday. You can expect modern liturgy, no hymns, a short sermon, prayers for the needs of the world and a good cuppa with biscuits and friendly chat at the end! Led by one of our clergy team.
Around 1 hour. Usual attendance around 14.