If you come to a communion service at St Mary’s on a Sunday, it is almost certain that you will have the inestimable privilege of seeing the Servers. We wear white and “serve” at the Altar, which involves preparation before the service, setting up the Altar then assisting the clergy through the service.
Occasionally things do not quite go as planned and we have to “wing” it – a previous curate stated that was one thing he had learned from the servers. At such times it should be appreciated that the problems are NEVER the fault of the servers—-our beloved clergy like to keep us on our toes (whether deliberately on their part or not) so if things do go awry you know who to blame. 🙂
Hopefully you will gather from this that we are a friendly bunch with a sense of humour and while we feel that it is a real privilege to serve at the Altar we do enjoy it (and we love our clergy really!).