(0 – 11 year olds)
Messy Church started up in St Mary’s Church in 2013. We run every 4th Wednesday of each month from 3.30pm until 5.00pm. We have crafts, games, a Bible story, song and prayer and then finish with tea all sitting and sharing together.
We see many families coming to this with a regular core group that come each month. The families have come from the different local schools, which is lovely and many families join us from Music Makers.
We have included a Messy Church Light Party, Christmas Party and Pancake Party this year which have been very popular.
Some of the children from Messy Church have participated in the Christmas Nativity and Palm Sunday Services through dance and/or drama. We are able to have some wonderful conversations with the parents and children at Messy Church whilst they are involved with crafts and during our meal together.
Some of these families have come to our All-Age service. It’s great to see Church happening midweek as well as on Sunday.
We charge £2.50 per child with a maximum cost of £6 per family. Places need to be booked through office please.