Our relationship with God is the foundation of everything we are, say and do. So prayer, in many forms, is a major aspect of our church life together.
Parish Prayer
This is a monthly prayer meeting held at St. Mary’s House, usually on the first Tuesday of each month, 7.30-8.30 p.m. We gather to bring the needs and work of the church and the wider community before God in prayer.
Sunday Prayer Ministry
After the main 10.00 service each week, our prayer ministry team are available in St. Peter’s chapel [within St. Mary’s church] to offer prayer with those who have come carrying a burden they need help with to unload to God.
Prayer Line
As and when emergency situations arise, we alert a team via our prayer line who will lift any immediate situation to our Lord for His care and attention. This can be accessed by calling the church office 01237 472551 10.00-12.00 Mon- Fri, or clergy at other times.
Prayer triplets
Many of our members have informally arranged to meet regularly to pray in threes for mutual support, encouragement and accountability as they seek to grow in faith.
Deepening prayer
A contemplative prayer time facilitated in the church building monthly.