Our parish has 320 adults (about the same number as were in the parish in 1851) and covers about four square miles. The parish embraces the hamlets of Saltrens and Annery Kiln and has many outlying farms. Monkleigh has a primary school which is the only school in the 4 Parishes, a village hall, a garage and a pub.
St George’s Church is Grade 1 Listed and is the largest of the churches in the four parishes. It was pronounced in good structural repair at the recent quinquennial inspection.
The church has some 13 on the electoral roll with 6 on the PCC. The average attendance on a Sunday is about 8 although many more come for festivals, baptisms, weddings and funerals. This pattern has persisted for at least 20 years. There are also a number of people who do not attend services regularly but help in maintaining the churchyard and bell ringing with a team which also rings elsewhere and enters competitions.
At present there are usually services on two Sundays each month – a Eucharist and Morning Praise. On the first Sunday we take it in turns with the other 3 parishes to host a join communion service. The present incumbent has maintained a strong relationship with the primary school and does fortnightly assemblies there. These alternate with the ‘Open the Book’ team going in on the other weeks. On occasions the church is used by the nearby primary school.
The PCC are keen to pursue opportunities to accommodate other activities within the church, and are exploring possibilities together with the Parish Council and Village Hall committees.
“It has a beautiful rural setting and has potential for growth.”