Holy Trinity Church, Landcross, is the smallest of our churches , nestled on the rise to the north of the parish at the crossroads above the A386. Landcross is itself a small hamlet. The present building, built possibly in 1435, is of stone, consisting of a chancel, nave and a south porch.
Although simple in design and small, it is perfectly formed and beautiful in its simplicity, seating 45 in comfort — 60, at a push! It is also much loved by its small, but enthusiastic congregation!
The PCC is working with local partner organisations and providers to support the resettlement of a Syrian refugee famiiy
Our worship consists of the following:
First Sunday of each Month – Parish Communion
Since May 2016, the 4 Parishes take it in turns to host a 4 Parishes Communion Service on the first Sunday of each month. The service is followed by a time of fellowship and hospitality which, at Landcross, without running water, entails a locally produced fruit juice or glass of sherry and delicious quality Fairtrade biscuits!
Second Sunday of each month – Parish Communion
This service uses modern language Common Worship with hymns and “A Simple Setting” of well-known folk and hymn tunes. This is a popular service. We always welcome children and do have our regular young contributors who now confidently receive the collection accompanied by a parent, and deliver it, alone, to the altar. They also help ring our single Church bell!
Monthly (First Thursday, 7.00pm) – Taizé Worship
Holy Trinity Church is small and intimate and is ideally suited for quiet, reflective services and our monthly Taize Service is well supported from people, not only in our 4 Parishes, but further afield. This beautiful contemplative service is lay led and candlelit.
Third Friday of the month (9.30am) – Said Holy Communion
This simple Service has been much valued and appreciated by the small congregation it attracts and provides a prayerful presence in the Church.
“This church has a unique, peaceful and spiritual setting.”