The Dictionary definition of ‘faith’ is: ‘Complete trust and confidence in someone or something’.

In the swimming pool picture the swimmers have varying regard for the water and confidence in their swimming ability! This can be a bit like our ‘regard for’ and ‘confidence in’ God.
Their responses may ring a bell! …. ‘I’m too busy at the moment’… ‘I would just like to carry on with the life I have’… ‘Work is my life’ …. ‘I’ll dip my toe in the water’… or ‘I might take the plunge and find that I don’t sink and actually this is great!’
How do we get to know Jesus, and God our Father? Well first of all we have to take a bit of a step of faith. We have to at least test the notion that there may be a God.
If you have questions like ‘What does life mean?’ ‘Where do we come from?’ ‘Why do good people suffer?’ it might be good to have a forum to ask and explore these questions with folk who are in the same boat. Where no question is too silly- because we are all seeking answers!
Jesus said ‘If you have faith, even the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains!’
Matthew 17:20
You would be very welcome to any of these small groups which offer the time and space to exercise that tiny kernel of faith and to see where it takes you!
There is absolutely no need to have had any prior Church experience.
We will be running a Confirmation class for adults in June 2022. Here we will be exploring the Christian faith and life in a relaxed and informal way. Please contact the Office if you would like to know more!
Alpha was started by ‘Holy Trinity, Brompton’ in London and now there are groups all over the UK and the world.
We run one course a year. The DVD material is really interesting and engaging and is followed by the group discussing their thoughts and views on topics like ‘Who is Jesus?’ (historic evidence of his existence and the sort of man he was recorded as being)
‘Why is there suffering?’ ‘What is prayer?’
There are 12 sessions and they all begin with a wonderful meal provided by our Church family.
You might notice that food features highly in these sessions- because friendship and fun are as important as ‘finding out’!
Please contact us at St Marys Office if you would like to find out more about any of the above.
If you’re keen to find out more about the Christian faith there is no better place to start than the Alpha Course. Free and no pressure. And it involves delicious food! More info…
Home Groups
Studying the bible and praying in small groups to deepen relationships with God and one another. More info…