Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves. As a Team we try to fulfil this commandment by serving as the caring face of the Church, the eyes, ears and hands which deliver support and help. Of course as a Church Family we look out for each other but we have ‘the badge’, a little more in the way of training and make it our responsibility to ensure that people’s pastoral needs are met. It may be a chat over a cup of tea, a regular telephone call, someone to share concerns with, maintaining contacts with the housebound, praying, listening, sending cards, visiting those in hospital, supporting the bereaved, arranging transport to Church, taking Home Communions and signposting to other agencies.
Most of the team have people who they visit regularly. They get to know them and their families which is a great privilege. On other occasions it may be a short term need, for example when someone has just returned from hospital, or going with them to the Reflections Bereavement Group until they have made friendships there.
All of us probably at sometime in our lives need a friend and this is what we aim to be. We are not professionals but we care and with God’s help want to pass on the love which he has for each and everyone of us.
We also very much enjoy being a part of the joy in the great celebrations of life, prayers answered, special birthdays, new babies, weddings and are easy to contact via the Church Office.