Treblemakers – The St Mary’s Church Junior Choir
St Mary’s Treblemakers offers children the chance to experience the joy of singing and performing together and receive an invaluable grounding in musical training. The children will receive a high level of professional instruction and tuition in singing. Children will develop good vocal technique and grow in confidence as singers.
Children can work towards the nationally recognised and acclaimed RSCM Voice for Life scheme. Alongside weekly rehearsals and regular performance opportunities, children will have the chance to attend choir social events and trips.
The sessions take place on Saturday’s during term time, between 10am-11am. Rehearsals include a chance to chat, a warm up, a simple short song and some music theory. If your child would like to take part, please contact the Church Office for more information.
The sessions are free and are open to all. Parents are welcome to sit in and watch.
Who can join the choir?
Any child over the age of seven years old
Membership of the choir is completely free
You do not need to be a regular churchgoer
What’s the commitment?
Weekly rehearsals on Saturday’s at St Mary’s Church between 10am-11am.
One Sunday each month at 9.30 morning service and occasional special services at festivals such as Christmas and Easter.
Will my child be safe and looked after?
Parents are always welcome to attend our choir rehearsals; however, there is no expectation for you to do so. Our Director of Music, Chris Beechey and any other St Mary’s supervisors working with the Junior Choir are subject to enhanced DBS checks, and have completed the Church of England’s training in safeguarding requirements.
More on our safeguarding here.