One of the disadvantages of a large Church like St Marys is that it can take a while to get to know others. As life is often full of ‘ups and downs’ it can be tough to live out one’s faith in isolation. That’s why we believe strongly in ‘small groups’.
We currently have seven Home groups on offer at St Marys and the Course ‘Alpha’ runs twice a year.
In these groups strong friendships are formed and mutual support is offered. But also we encourage one another to go deeper with God, to express and share opinion and to mature in discipleship.
Often together the group decides on the Courses it wishes to follow and each group is led by Leaders who are prayerful and experienced. There is no pressure to commit- why not come along and see how you get on?
Please contact the Church Office or speak to a member of the Clergy or PCC to see what group may best suit you and your needs. It is a wonderful source of encouragement and blessing.