“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
Yogi Berra
….and that is why we need a Mission Action Plan.
Our Mission Action Plan is a living document which looks ahead to the next 3 years. There are 12 key pillars grouped into 3 broad themes.
The MAP helps us to focus on how we grow the St Mary’s family and what worship might need to look like in the future to resonate with new Christians…..whilst not losing sight of our role within the local community.
And each of the 12 pillars has its own sub-MAP with measurable targets. Not so that we can punish ourselves for missing a number, but so that as a PCC and parish community we can identify where we have succeeded and where there is a need for more work. The MAP has been built from the ground up which is exciting because as a document it reflect the hopes and dreams of so many from within the church.