More than ever, your giving matters.
Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic St Mary’s worked hard throughout lockdown to provide free weekly digital services for everyone, as well as weekly Music Makers sessions to keep the younger members of our community entertained – at least for an hour!
Because of your support we will continue to run our online Sunday services as well as restarting limited services within the church. And as restrictions ease we’ll be looking at how we re-open the groups which support so many people in our community; the vulnerable, those facing financial hardship, children, young parents, those struggling with bereavement, the elderly…and those just in need of friendship and someone to chat to.
But like so many charities, we have felt the economic impact of Covid-19 and so if you feel able to support us and our work, please click this link to donate online, or if you would like to consider a regular donation, please contact the church office ( who can provide more information about the Parish Giving Scheme.
Everything we do at St Mary’s is made possible by the generous giving of so many. Thank You